Tuesday, May 01, 2007

GAP Community 2007 April Meeting Minutes

Meeting minutes 4/3/07

1) 7:22 call to order
2) Community introductions, including aldermanic candidates from 2nd and 3rd wards
3) Reading of March minutes, approved.
4) Treasurer’s report= balance $3,984.08
5) Area reps report- none
6) President’s report
a)Aldermen candidates from 2nd ward invited for a candidate forum.
b) Clean and Green coming up on 5th at 8:30 AM. Email if you are interested in signing up to help. There are plenty of lots in the area that need cleaning.
c) Dan Ryan construction update: Sharon Bradberry, IDOT Community outreach reports in the 8th month stretch, on target for completion by November. 31st street ramp will be open during White Sox Season. 39th Street exit will open in mid-April and 39th street entrance ramp open by mid-May. 3 lanes of traffic will be open at all times, but there are varying lane configurations. Cameras are catching motorists if they speed over the 45 mph limit. Sharon urges motorist to continue using alternate routes.
d) Reminder election is on April 17th.
e) Summer Dance is planned for July 28th or Augst 4th. Vice President plans to have a budget in place by June 1st. Looking for volunteers to help out.
7) Housing Report:
Kevin reports the committee met with John Sullivan, a builder at 3220 S. Prairie putting up a garage, but was stopped because of no permit. Sullivan plans to obtain a permit. Sullivan also purchased lot at 3312 S. Calumet. He will notify the committee when he is ready to review plans.
8) Community Speakout
a) Annual Garage Sale: Michelle reports the sale will be held on June 16th. Application will be on the GAP Blog and distributed to the community within the next few weeks. More info to come.
9) Aldermanic Forum
2nd Ward: (I) Madeline Haithcock & Bob Fioreti
3rd Ward: (I) Dorothy Tillman & Pat Dowell
-GAP does not endorse a candidate. The organization will work with the candidate that wins.
-Coin toss determined Haithcock will go first and Dowell first.

10) Motion to pay bills, second and passed
11) Adjourn 8:50 PM

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