Friday, November 02, 2007

October 2007 Meeting Minutes


A) Call to order: 7:22
B) Community Introductions
C) Reading of minutes: approved
D) Area Rep Reports: None
E) President’s Report
1) September 5th: District area CAPS meeting—concern was brought up about the high schools and transporting students out of the community quickly.
2) September 13th: Troubled building meeting: 3342 Calumet is in troubled buildings now. Email the GAP if you know of any other troubled buidings (drug houses, etc.)
3) September 14th: Pre-tour of neighborhood with Mayor Daley’s advance team. Then, on September 17th—The President along with, VP Tracey Taylor, and resident along with Daley team drove the neighborhood starting at 31st and Lake Shore Drive and ending with the walking tour down 35th street and the grand opening of Starbucks. The group stopped at a number of locations along the way including businesses. Mayor Daley brought up how TIFF money is used to make changes including on 35th street. However, Daley said one of the issues with 35th street is that it is not wide enough. Question was brought up whether Aldermen were invited on the tour. President McGee reports the Mayor did not invite them to ride along.
4) September 19th: CAPS meeting. Please come out. It is always held the 3rd Wednesday of the month in the same room the GAP meeting is held.
5) The business owners on 35th street are pushing for a meeting with Cmdr. Lodding and President McGee.
6) September 29th: President went to the opening of a park off Lake Shore Drive between 44th and 47th streets. Tim Mitchell, Pres. of the Chicago Park District was there. He and President McGee had a conversation about the proposal of improving Dunbar Park. He was invited to a GAP meeting and said he would get back to us.
7) TAC meeting with Arne Duncan: School proposal for Pershing West—“Train is stopped but not off the track.” Duncan’s recommendation to the board is due on October 9th. October 24th is the board hearing. The people behind the VOISE proposal told President McGee they did not want to come into a community where the neighborhood does not want them. The President told them to withdraw their proposal. Pershing West TAC is not disbanding even if no school is approved for the building this year because the mission of the TAC is to find a new high school for the community.
8) Treasurer Resignation: received an emailed resume from a community member who is interested in the position. A new treasurer will be appointed by the Board of Directors.

F) Housing Committee:
1) City bought the lot on Calumet next to the firehouse. It will be used for parking for fire department.
G) Community Project’s Update:
1) Summer Sizzle: event was successful but not sure yet of the exact dollar amount. The committee spent approximately $1010. Money will be turned over to the treasurer. A number of community businesses donated food and other supplies. An estimated 150 people attended. The total budget and money allocation information can be obtained from Peter Macauley.

H) Community Speakout:
1) Pershing West: what do we need to do from here on out regarding the school recommendation? The Community needs to stay focused on the issue because it will come up again.
2) Zoning Board of Appeals hearing on the Calumet art gallery was put on hold.

I) Motion to Pay Bills
J) Adjourn: 8:35 pm

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