Sunday, January 27, 2008

January 2008 Monthly Meeting

GAP Community Meeting
January 8, 2008

Call to order 7:25

Community introductions

Treasurer Report: Please pay dues.

Area rep report: none

Vice President Report
a) The GAP is celebrating 30 year anniversary this year. There are a lot of activities planned for 2008. We want to make sure there is a large participation of the events to make sure residents know the history of the neighborhood. Events are TBA.

President Report
a) CAPS meeting will be held in this room on January 16th.
b) Received a call from the Police Commander for 21st District in reference to the article in the Suntimes. The newspaper reported a murder at 31st and Prairie. However, the report was incorrect. The shooting happened at 39th and Prairie.
c) We are inviting Dr. Robert Brazil to a meeting to discuss the history of the neighborhood. He has written a book which features the GAP.

a) Recycling of Christmas Trees takes place this weekend from 9-2 in Lake Meadows Park.
b) Primary Election is next month.
Speak Out
a) A request to invite 2nd ward Alderman to discuss issues with the post office. Postal reps have attended a GAP meeting and they are willing to return.
b) 34th and Prairie has problems with streets flooding. Please call 311 to report and turn over the reference number to GAP.
c) Feb 1st and 2nd: School play at Pershing west that was written by students and administration. It’s called “Before It’s Too Late.”
d) 3rd Ward Alderman Pat Dowell is hosting a townhall meeting on January 24th at the Charles Hayes Center.
e) Alderman Dowell explained the primary role of “committeeman”.
f) State Senator Kwame Raul attended the meeting and entertained questions from GAP. He addressed the mass transit funding bill. Main issues deal with providing money for road improvements. Senator Raul prefers generating revenue for a capital bill by increasing the income tax. Senator Raul also supports expanding gaming in Illinois because the state is loosing dollars to Indiana.
g) The Field House at Pershing West will be demolished at the end of June. Trees and Grass will replace the structure.

Candidate Forum:
a) Each candidate running for the Illinois 26th Congressional District were invited to present their platform. Each candidate had 10 minutes. Attending: Kenny Johnson, Will Burns, Philip Jackson, Elga Jeffreys, Paul Chadha.

Motion to pay bills: approved.

Adjourned: 9:45

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