Thursday, October 09, 2008

Setember 2008 Meeting Minutes

Meeting called to order by President Leonard McGee – 7:25 pm

Danny Bishop/Mrs. McGee - Motion to accept minutes from June 3rd. Motion passed unanimously.

  1. Vice President report

    1. Vice President mentioned desire to work closer with Area reps.

    2. Announced intention to create plans for new membership drive; partial plans call for working closely with area reps.

    3. Intends to have rea rep reports for future monthly Gap meetings.

    4. Area rep needed for Giles street.

    5. Desire to support other community organizations and have input to planning 2016 Olympics.

  2. Treasure report – Checking account and Savings account balance read as of August 1, 2008: .

    1. Checking account balance - $1,345.37. .

    2. Savings account balance - $2,219.36.

  3. President report

    1. National Night Out review – intentions to move organizing for next year’s event to 2112 police beat.

    2. Collect money ($350) from 21st district police for Jesse Wight tumblers appearance at Gapco’s 2008 Summer Sizzler.

    3. Update on Speed bump issue – Aldermen Dowell working to address issue.

    4. Emails about Pilgrim Baptist church and landscaping issue at 33rd & Prairie – city ordinance require the lot to be landscape and a black iron fence to surround the lot.

    5. Planning meeting new CTA green line stop at 22nd street and/or 18th street.

    6. City of Chicago budget hearing to be held at South Shore Cultural Center.

    7. President to follow up with Aldermen about funding for alley work; approximate cost is $250,000 where funding may come from Aldermen’s Menu money.

    8. President to follow up with Aldermen Fioretti about trash cans along 35th street in 2nd ward potion.

  4. Dale Morrison
    Discussed GapCo’s 4th Annual Garage & Porch sale – reported that event was a huge success; acknowledged Don Griffith and Jim O’Neal for use of the parking lot and their support of the event.

  5. Peter McCauley
    Discussed GapCo’s Summer Sizzle event; discussed and thanked the sponsors of the event, and financial transactions from event. Special acknowledgement to Peter for organizing the event and to slegenda for designing and creating the event flyers.

  6. Meeting Speak-Out

    1. Harris – Questions about lights on east side of Prairie.

    2. Cheryl Watkins – Principal Watkins of Pershing West School acknowledged Natalie Neris-Guereca – Teacher at Pershing West and winning of the 2008 Golden Apple award for excellence in teaching.

    3. Marvin – Special acknowledgement to Phillip Jackson for organizing the fathers back to school program.

    4. Leonard McGee – Discussed 35th street tree grates, and an example of how the grates were installed at an area facility.

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